Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Animal Time * A Fun Kids Project Using Flip-Flops

ANIMAL TIME!  -  Fun Kids Project

Hi Friends, I hope you are all having a wonderful week!  As we continue to search for fun things to do with our kids this summer, I came up with a super easy and fun project that your kids might love.

So in our house a pair of "Flip-Flops" are a hot commodity.  My daughter Makenna will steal any pair she can find, even mine for example that are way too big for her and she will claim them as hers and wear them all day.  So in the spirit of "Flip-Flops" I thought I would get the kids some new ones and spice them up!  

So I decorated them in fun ANIMAL faces....and they love them!  Here is what they look like and how you too can make these for your kids.

Here is how I made them: 
I bought this box of fun Animal Faces at JoAnn's Fabric Store.  The box was $7.99 - but with a coupon you can get it for half that price.  Or you can check their $1 bins, and they have single packets on sale for .50 cents....although the single packets do take a little more work for you.  On those you will have to cut them to size and use marker or sharpie on them to create the animal face.  I went for the box because all I had to do was hot glue the pieces together and it came with so many that we have lots of extras.

Next:  Once you have the box of animal faces, lay out the faces you want to make.  Next you will need a sharpie, scissors and yarn...oh and of course your flip-flops. Also, you might want to start heating up your glue gun at this point. You will see that most of the faces have 2 pieces to make the face.  Take the piece that will lay against the flip-flop.  Using your sharpie mark on the back side where you want to cut small slits to run the yarn through.  I did this so that I could use the yarn to tie the animal face to the flip-flop.  Here is what that step looks like.

As you can see, I made small cuts in the first layer of the animal face, then used my yarn to tie it to the flip-flop.  The next step is easy.  Just use your glue gun to put the rest of the animal face together.  As you do this you can try your best to glue your pieces over the yarn.  An there you have it, a super cute, fast and easy Animal Face Flip-Flop !!!

The kids just love them....they actually love them so much that we decided to make all the animal faces in the box!!!  Making the cost of the box all worth it.  Oh and if you are wondering about the flip-flops, those are on sale for .74 cents at JoAnn's Fabric as well.  

I hope you enjoy this project and continue having a great summer.

Much Love, 



  1. What a fun mom you are! I'm having my first in December, and I can't wait until she's old enough to do crafts with me. Love this idea, thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Sara, thanks so much for visiting :)
